Platinum Plan

Option 2: Platinum Plan

Description: Under this option, EAS – Management will develop a personal and virtual platform that will empower our clients to represent themselves while receiving expert assistance from the EAS – Management team as needed. The Platinum Plan will offer tools, resources, and guidance to navigate legal, financial, or transactional matters independently. Our clients can access direct support from the EAS – Management team experts when they encounter challenges.


Platinum Plan:

  1. Resume/CV Review: Provide feedback on client’s resumes or CVs, helping them highlight their skills and experiences effectively.
  2. Job Search Strategy: Assist clients in creating a personalized job search strategy, including identifying suitable job opportunities and industries.
  3. Interview Preparation: Offer interview coaching, including mock interviews, tips on answering common questions, and guidance on body language and communication skills.
  4. Networking Assistance: Advise candidates on building and leveraging their professional network to enhance job prospects and industry connections.
  5. Personalized Career Assessment: Conduct in-depth assessments to identify client’s strengths, preferences, and career aspirations for more targeted guidance.
  6. SportlinkUSA Profile Optimization: Optimize client’s SportlinkUSA profiles to enhance their online presence and increase visibility to potential employers and recruiters.
  7. Skill Development Workshops: Provide access to workshops and training sessions aimed at improving specific job-related skills, such as communication, leadership, or technical abilities.
  8. Job Market Insights: Offer detailed market insights, including salary trends, demand for specific skills, and industry forecasts, to help clients make informed career decisions.
  9. Exclusive Networking Events: Organize networking events, seminars, and industry-specific gatherings where clients can connect with professionals and potential employers.
  10. Personalized Job Matching: Provide personalized job recommendations based on client’s profiles, skills, and preferences, streamlining the job search process.

Assessment:  Once you register, one of our representatives will contact you to begin to build your personal profile. After your assessment is complete, EAS – Management will begin representing you based on the level of your registration.

  • $0.00

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